Régie du bâtiment du Québec

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Building chapter from the Safety Code

Private seniors’ residences (PSR)

Sections: 346 to 369 of the Chapter VIII, Building, of the Québec Safety Code (except sections 351 and 357)

Subject: private seniors’ residences

Purpose: clarify the regulatory requirements

Concerned stakeholders: owners and managers of private seniors’ residences that include residential occupancies for autonomous elders, certain care occupancies and residential board and care occupancies

Date of publication: March 2013

Date of update: July 2019

When you are the owner or manager of a private seniors’ residence (PSR), it means that you are lodging more vulnerable clients than the general population. Regarding fire safety, the Building chapter of the Safety Code (CBSC) provides more binding requirements than the ones that were in force at the moment of construction or transformation of the building.

These requirements concern the following, among others:

  • fire detection and alarm systems
  • smoke detectors and sprinkler systems
  • location of the basement exits
  • fire resistance of fire separations.

The guide Private seniors’ residences: your obligations [Fr] – PDF (14,9 MB) sums up the obligations to respect according to the type of residence and of clients, and the number of lodgers. It also contains requirements found in other chapters of the Safety Code.

Request for equivalent of different measures

Under the Building Act, the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) may authorize a different or an equivalent measure to the one prescribed by code or regulation where the provisions of the code or regulation are shown not to be reasonably applicable.

Therefore, you may suggest adjustments enabling you to meet the goals and safety standards of the regulation differently. To do so, you must submit a request for equivalent or different measures to the RBQ.

Go to Request for equivalent or different measures [Fr] to get more information. There is a specific procedure for:

Any questions?

For any questions on the equivalent or different measure procedure, please contact the RBQ by email at mesures.equivalentes.differentes@rbq.gouv.qc.ca or by phone at 418-646-7713.

Send us your comments.

For further information or to file a complain or report, visit the Contact the RBQ webpage.