Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.
Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.
The Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) is responsible for issuing contractor permits and licences. However, if the legal conditions are not respected or if the contractor is in breach of his obligations, it is possible that the RBQ will refuse to issue a licence and will convene the contractor to a hearing before the Bureau des régisseurs.
If you have been convened to a hearing, here is the information, filtered by subject, you need to prepare for it. Click on the topic of your choice:
You may be convened to a hearing before the Bureau des régisseurs de la RBQ for the following reasons:
If you have been convened to a hearing, you have received these documents by registered mail or email:
Have you filed an application for the review of a decision? You will receive only one document, the notice of convocation.
You must prepare for a hearing, whether it’s in person or virtual! Go to the Preparation for a hearing page to get more information.
Consult the complete procedure for participating in a virtual hearing using the tool indicated on your notice of convocation.
If you do not have the necessary technical requirements or if you prefer to have a hearing in person, please communicate with the Bureau des régisseurs as soon as possible and mention the reason why you want a hearing in person.
Postponing a hearing could be possible but only for serious reasons. As soon as you know why you need to postpone your hearing, send a proof and file a written request to the Bureau des régisseurs Please note that if you do not ask to postpone your hearing, a decision could be rendered in your absence.
For further information or to file a complain or report, visit the Contact the RBQ webpage.