Régie du bâtiment du Québec

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Guarantee Plan

Information on managers

This page provides the Guarantee Plan managers’ contact information and financial data. It also lists the management policies of the manager.

Click on the topic you’re interested in to scroll down the page and learn more:

Contact information

Garantie de construction résidentielle (GCR)

4101, rue Molson, 3e étage
Montréal (Québec) H1Y 3L1
Tel.: 514 657-2333 ou 1 855 657-2333
www.garantiegcr.comThis link open an external website of the Régie du bâtiment du Québec in a new window.

Raymond Chabot administrateur provisoire inc.

600, rue De La Gauchetière Ouest, bureau 2000
Montréal (Québec) H3B 4L2

La garantie Abritat inc.


La garantie des maisons neuves


La garantie Habitation du Québec inc.


Financial data

The financial data is taken from the annual report supplied by each guarantee plan manager authorized or appointed by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec, in accordance with section 64 of the Regulation respecting the guarantee plan for new residential buildings. This information is disclosed to the public according to section 81.2 of the Building Act.

Garantie de construction résidentielle

Since January 1, 2015, the Garantie de construction résidentielle (GCR), a non-profit organization, manages the Guarantee Plan for New Residential Buildings.

Balance sheet
Data of the balance sheetOn December 31, 2022On December 31, 2021

Assets – Reserve


Assets – Total of assets


Liabilities – Actuarial reserve


Liabilities – Total of liabilities


Total of net assets (deficiency)


Required excess (according to section 48 of the regulation)


Net assets (according to section 48 of the regulation regarding the streamlining according to the Order in Council 156-2014, section 55)

s. o.s. o.
Income statement
Data of the income statementOn December 31, 2022On December 31, 2021
Written premiums$19,655,106$19,558,438
Membership fee$1,386,724$1,306,759
Investment income$1,827,563$2,538,401
Total revenue$26,332,868$27,330,485
Claims and claim costs$1,948,223$10,778,865
Variation of actuarial reserve (transfer to reserves)($3,675,651)($252,864)
Total of expenses$18,148,976$25,658,221
Excess of revenue over expenses before taxes$8,183,892$1,672,264
Activities of the guarantee plan manager
Data regarding the activities of the Guarantee Plan managerOn December 31, 2022On December 31, 2021
Number of issued certificates12 11316 480
Number of accredited contractors2 8412 799
Number of handled complaints (the “$100 files” referred to in sections 17.1, 18, 33.1 and 34 of the regulation)1 3321 334

La Garantie Habitation du Québec

Raymond Chabot administrateur provisoire inc. manages La Garantie Habitation du Québec inc. (GHQ) of the Association de la construction du Québec (ACQ) since March 10, 2020.

Balance sheet
Data of the balance sheetOn December 31, 2022On December 31, 2021
Assets – Reserve$4,575,320 $7,737,630
Assets – Total of assets$4,645,534$8,178,914 
Liabilities – Actuarial reserve$21,673,507$23,534,448 
Liabilities – Total of liabilities$38,418,397 $40,351,707 
Total of net assets($33,772,863)($32,172,793)
Income statement
Data of the income statementOn December 31, 2022On December 31, 2021
Written premiums



Membership fee



Investment income$79,332$70,359
Total revenue$0$0
Claims and claim costs$2,752,843 ($1,633,650)
Variation of actuarial reserve (transfer to reserves)($1,860,941)$12,844,489
Total of expenses$1,600,070$11,890,480
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses before taxes($1,600,070)($11,890,480)
Activities of the guarantee plan manager
Data regarding the activities of the Guarantee Plan managerOn December 31, 2022On December 31, 2021
Number of issued certificates00
Number of accredited contractors00
Number of handled complaints (the “$100 files” referred to in sections 17.1, 18, 33.1 and 34 of the regulation)419

La Garantie des maisons neuves

Raymond Chabot administrateur provisoire inc. manages the La garantie des maisons neuves (GMN) of the Association des professionnelles de la construction et de l’habitation du Québec (APCHQ) since June 19, 2013.

Balance sheet
Data of the balance sheetOn December 31, 2022On December 31, 2021
Assets – Reserve$49,004,238$36,503,661 
Assets – Total of assets$68,948,961$56,531,336
Liabilities – Actuarial reserve$8,317,000$0
Liabilities – Total of liabilities$30,682,731$21,982,384
Total of net assets$38,266,230$34,548,952
Income statement
Data of the income statementOn December 31, 2022On December 31, 2021
Written premiums



Membership fee



Investment income$821,652$343,974
Total revenue$1,069,079$364,694
Claims and claim costs($11,241,970)$972,098
Variation of actuarial reserve (transfer to reserves)$8,371,000$0
Total of other expenses$276,771$1,162,162
Excess (deficiency) of revenue and expenses before taxes$3,717,278$14,324,434
Activities of the guarantee plan manager
Data regarding the activities of the Guarantee Plan managerOn December 31, 2022On December 31, 2021
Number of issued certificates00
Number of accredited contractors00
Number of handled complaints (the “$100 files” referred to in sections 17.1, 18, 33.1 and 34 of the regulation)22

La Garantie Abritat

Raymond Chabot administrateur provisoire inc. manages the La Garantie Abritat inc. (formerly known as the Garantie des Maîtres Bâtisseurs) of the Association des professionnelles de la construction et de l’habitation du Québec (APCHQ) since January 1, 2015.

Balance sheet
Data of the balance sheetOn December 31, 2022On December 31, 2021

Assets – Reserve


Assets – Total of assets


Liabilities – Actuarial reserve


Liabilities – Total of liabilities


Total of net assets (deficiency)

Income statement
Data of the income statementOn December 31, 2022On December 31, 2021
Written premiums$0 $0 
Membership fee$0$0
Investment income$24,024$14,462
Total revenue$112,766$181,231
Claims and claim costs$2,421,280$2,609,078
Variation of actuarial reserve (transfer to reserves)($968,000)($3,898,000)
Total of other expenses$1,467,397$1,406,468
Excess (deficiency) of revenue and expenses before taxes($2,807,911)$63,685
Activities of the guarantee plan manager
Data regarding the activities of the Guarantee Plan managerOn December 31, 2022On December 31, 2021
Number of issued certificates00
Number of accredited contractors00
Number of handled complaints (the “$100 files” referred to in sections 17.1, 18, 33.1 and 34 of the regulation)622

Management policies of the manager

To avoid any conflict, whether real or apparent, between the construction industry and the Guarantee Plan management, the Regulation respecting the guarantee plan for new residential buildings provides management policies to regulate managers. These policies have been developed by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ). This organization has the power to impose sanctions if a manager does not fulfill their obligations, e.g. by not following these policies:

The new Regulation respecting the guarantee plan for new residential buildings came into force on January 1, 2015. The management policies are part of many amendments that were adopted to rectify the problems identified during the program evaluation and in common practice.

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For further information or to file a complain or report, visit the Contact the RBQ webpage.