Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.
Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.
This subclass authorizes construction work that is the exclusive domain of master pipe mechanics under the Master Pipe Mechanics Act (CQLR, c. M-4) and relates to hydronic heating systems.
It also authorizes construction work that is not already authorized in the first paragraph and relates to hydronic heating systems, notably those related to propane burners as well as those included in subclass 15.4.1.
Read carefully the definition of this subclass. In addition to subclass 15.4, the contractor might also need other subclasses depending on the work he intends to carry out.
Furthermore, this subclass authorizes construction work related to hydronic systems providing heating and air conditioning. However, work related to units that provide heat and air conditioning and are part of these systems can only be carried out if the contractor also holds the applicable subclass 15.9 or 15.10 licence.
Finally, it authorizes related construction work.
Amendments to this subclass have been made and are in force since January 16, 2017. To know what the definition of this subclass was in the former regulation, consult the page Amendments to the subclasses concerning heating, ventilation and refrigeration systems.
To view different scenarios illustrating the sharing of work among subclasses governed by the regulatory amendments, refer to the following document: Description of specialized subclasses concerning heating, ventilation and refrigeration units [Fr].
This subclass includes construction work in subclass 15.4.1.
This subclass authorizes, without exceeding the regulatory framework, construction work relating to:
Note that this subclass does not include similar work.
Construction work on a propane burner system (that is not part of the hydronic heating system) requires a subclass 15.6 licence.
The contractor who carries out construction work relating to a unit that provides heating and air conditioning must also hold the applicable refrigeration subclass licence (15.9 or 15.10).
Construction work on an electrical installation is the exclusive domain of contractors or owner-builders who hold a subclass 16.0 licence.
Should you have any questions regarding the interpretation of the Master Pipe-Mechanics Act (CQLR, c. M-4) and work reserved exclusively for its members, contact the “Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec (CMMTQ — Québec Corporation of Master Pipe Mechanics), which has been responsible for qualifying its members since November 19, 2001.
Qualification Department
Tel.: 514 382-2668
Toll-free: 1 800 465-2668
The Master Pipe-Mechanics Act does not apply to owner-builders. However, the latter must hold a subclass 15.4 (or 15.4.1 as the case may be) licence to carry out construction work on hydronic heating systems, everywhere in Québec, without exception.
No licence is required to carry out supervision, inspection, testing and verification work.
For further information or to file a complain or report, visit the Contact the RBQ webpage.