Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.
Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not the exclusive domain of master pipe mechanics and relates to the treatment of building wastewater as well as similar or related construction work.
This subclass authorizes, without exceeding the regulatory framework, construction work relating to:
Standards for the construction of private sewage systems can be found in the Regulation respecting waste water disposal for isolated dwellings (CQLR, c. Q-2, r. 8) administered by the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and Climate Change.
NOTE: Sewage treatment systems larger than those subject to the aforementioned regulation, notably municipal installations, are governed by one of the following subclasses: 1.3 or 1.4.
For further information or to file a complain or report, visit the Contact the RBQ webpage.