Régie du bâtiment du Québec

  • Fr

Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.

Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.

This content in English is intended for individuals covered by the exceptions to the Charter of the French language and its regulations.

Determining the required licence

List of subclasses


15.7 Contractor – Residential ventilation

This subclass authorizes construction work that is not the exclusive domain of master pipe mechanics and relates to air circulation or distribution systems for ventilation, air exhaust, air compensation and air conditioning of detached, semi-detached or row-type single-family dwellings or part of a multifamily building held in divided co-ownership.

It also authorizes, on buildings referred to in the first paragraph, construction work related to ductwork and the installation of units for a pulsed air heating system as well as construction work on ductwork for pulsed air heating systems providing heating and air conditioning.

Make sure you have all the required subclasses

Read carefully the definition of this subclass. In addition to subclass 15.7, the contractor might also need other subclasses depending on the work he intends to carry out.

Furthermore, this subclass authorizes, on these same buildings, construction work relating to units of pulsed air systems providing heating and air conditioning, provided the contractor also holds the applicable subclass 15.9 or 15.10 licence.

Finally, it authorizes similar or related construction work. 

Additional explanations

Amendments to this subclass have been made and are in force since January 16, 2017. To know what the definition of this subclass was in the former regulation, consult the page Amendments to the subclasses concerning heating, ventilation and refrigeration systems.

To view different scenarios illustrating the sharing of work among subclasses governed by the regulatory amendments, refer to the following document: Description of specialized subclasses concerning heating, ventilation and refrigeration units [Fr].

This subclass is included, in its entirety, in subclass 15.8.

This subclass authorizes, without exceeding the regulatory framework, construction work relating to:

  • the installation of pulsed air heating units
  • the installation of bathroom fans
  • the installation of kitchen range hoods
  • the installation of central vacuum systems (subclass 11.2)
  • the installation of heat recovery ventilators (HRV) and other wall and roof ventilators. 

Note that this subclass does not authorize construction work on burners and their power supply nor work related to the heating system’s regulators and controls.

Construction work requiring an electrical installation is the exclusive domain of owner-builders holding a subclass 16.0 licence.


  • supervision, inspection, testing and verification work

If in doubt as to the applicable subclass, refer to the Keyword Index or contact us.

Send us your comments.

For further information or to file a complain or report, visit the Contact the RBQ webpage.