Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.
Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.
This subclass authorizes construction sitework relating to site preparation and finishing such as alignment, levelling, fences, demolition, paving and asphalting, installation of pavers as well as similar or related construction work.
This subclass authorizes, without exceeding the regulatory framework, construction work relating to:
NOTE: It should be noted that any construction contractor can carry out demolition work governed by his subclass. He can, for instance, remove asbestos on behalf of an insulation contractor (7.0) or building contractor (1.2).
NOTE: The contractor licenced in this subclass can dismantle an electrical installation that has first been disconnected by an electrical contractor or the distributor, as the case may be, since this type of work is not within the exclusive domain of electrical contractors. The same applies to the dismantling of an installation for the use, storage or distribution of gas or petroleum equipment, provided these installations have first been disconnected, emptied and secured.
For further information or to file a complain or report, visit the Contact the RBQ webpage.