Régie du bâtiment du Québec

  • Fr

Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.

Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.

This content in English is intended for individuals covered by the exceptions to the Charter of the French language and its regulations.

Determining the required licence

List of subclasses


17.2 Contractor – Intercommunications, telephone and surveillance

This subclass authorizes construction work that is not the exclusive domain of electrical contractors and relates to intercommunication, telephone and surveillance systems as well as similar or related construction work.   

Additional explanations

This subclass is included, in its entirety, in subclass 17.1.

This subclass authorizes, without exceeding the regulatory framework, construction work relating to:

  • the excavation and backfilling of the trench and installation of underground ductwork for cable and telephone wires between the distribution network and the building (the installation and connection of wires is the exclusive responsibility of the distributor)
  • fibre optics
  • the installation of wires (computer, telephone or home theatre) when the wires connect work stations in several rooms or on several storeys of a given building or several buildings
  • sound systems
  • automatic gates and installation of gatehouses   
  • detection loops installed in pavement (to count vehicles, open gates, etc.)   
  • low-voltage control consoles (prisons, theatres, studios, etc.) 
  • electromagnetic and electromechanical locks   
  • combustion gas detectors for indoor garages and other systems (however, if the detectors are part of the garage’s heating or ventilation system, a subclass 17.1 licence is required)
  • water level detectors
  • computer networks when wires connect work stations in several rooms or on several storeys of a given building or several buildings when these installations require construction work such as piercing firewalls, installing outlets in walls, etc. 
  • house and building automation work generally requires all of the following subclasses: 13.2, 17.1, 17.2 and, occasionally subclass 16.0.



If in doubt as to the applicable subclass, refer to the Keyword Index or contact us.

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