Régie du bâtiment du Québec

  • Fr

Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.

Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.

This content in English is intended for individuals covered by the exceptions to the Charter of the French language and its regulations.

Determining the required licence

List of subclasses


1.9 Contractor – Building mechanicals

Subject to the second paragraph of article 6 of this regulation, this licence subclass authorizes construction work on a building’s mechanical systems, equipment for public use, or civil engineering works such as heating, ventilation, refrigeration, plumbing, and fire protection works and their control systems, as well as insulation and emergency electrical power work.    

It also authorizes construction work included in a subclass of Schedule III but not authorized in the first paragraph, when said work is part of a project relating to a building’s mechanical systems, equipment intended for public use, or civil engineering works. 

Finally, it authorizes similar or related constructions work.  

Additional explanations

Generally speaking, this contractor organizes and coordinates the execution of work that is, for the most part, governed by Section 15 of the MasterFormat, and subcontracted on behalf of a general contractor or a general owner-builder.    

This subclass authorizes, without exceeding the regulatory framework, construction work relating to:

  • compressors and compressed air pipes
  • floor heating and snow melting equipment  
  • energy storage equipment
  • water treatment equipment and reservoirs
  • recycling and waste disposal equipment
  • generator sets
  • cooling towers
  • process pipes and equipment (building anchoring work)
  • rainwater drainage pipes
  • filtration and treatment plant pipework
  • pool and fountain equipment pipework 
  • oil, natural gas and propane pipework.

This contractor is authorized to carry out work included in Schedule III, i.e. work with a lower risk level, even if these subclasses are not listed on his licence, if said work relates to a building mechanical project governed by this subclass. 

This contractor is not authorized to carry out work included in Schedule II, unless these subclasses are included in his licence. For instance, he cannot carry out refrigeration, plumbing or electrical work unless he holds one of the following licence subclasses: 15.10, 15.5 or 16. However, he is authorized to take the mandate to have carried out this work by a holder of the appropriate subcategory.

If in doubt as to the applicable subclass, refer to the Keyword Index or contact us.

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