Régie du bâtiment du Québec

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Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.

This content in English is intended for individuals covered by the exceptions to the Charter of the French language and its regulations.

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List of subclasses


16.0 Contractor – Electrical

Except for demolition work, this subclass authorizes construction work on an electrical installation that falls under Chapter V of the Construction Code, introduced by the Regulation to amend the Construction Code (O.C. 961-2002, 2002-08-21), and is the exclusive domain of electrical contractors

It also authorizes construction work on units permanently connected to the electrical system if said work is governed by Chapter V of the Construction Code and is not specifically covered by another subclass, as well as construction work included in subclasses 13.2 and 17.1.

Finally, it authorizes related construction work.

Additional explanations


“Electrical installation” means the installation of any wiring in or upon any land or in a building from the point or points where electric power or energy is delivered therein or thereon by the supply authority or from any other source of supply, to the point or points where such power or energy can be used therein or thereon by any electrical equipment and shall include the connection of any such wiring with any of the said equipment. (See Appendix B).1

“From the definition of “electrical installation”, it is understood that installations, from the connecting point where the supply authority supplies the customer or from any other supply, to the connection point where the fixture receives its power to function, are electrical installations as defined in the Code. “Electrical installation” therefore means the “infrastructure” used to direct the electrical current to equipment requiring the current to function (appliance, equipment, specialized system) but not such equipment. The following systems in particular are not electrical installations as defined in the Code: intercommunication systems, public address systems, synchronized clock systems, visual, sound or voice signalling systems, telephony systems, their interconnection to the telephone network, closed circuit television systems, access cards, community antennae, instrumentation and regulation systems related to heating, air conditioning, air venting and industrial processes, burglar alarm systems and fire alarm systems.”²

See electrical wiring diagram

  • 1 Chapter V Electricity, article 5.03.01  
  • ² Chapter V Electricity, article 5.04, paragraph 77 (amendment to Appendix B of Section 0 of the Canadian Electrical Code) 


This subclass includes construction work in subclasses 13.2 and 17.1. It does not include similar work.

Since November 19, 2001, the “Corporation des maîtres électriciens du Québec” (CMEQ — Québec Corporation of Master Electricians) has been responsible for qualifying its members. It is therefore necessary to address this corporation for any question relating to the interpretation of this subclass.   

Professional Qualification Department
Tel.: 514 738-2184
1 800 361-9061
Website: www.cmeq.org
Email: qualif@cmeq.org


This subclass includes construction work that falls under subclasses 13.2 and 17.1. It does not include similar work.

This subclass authorizes, without exceeding the regulatory framework, construction work related to:

  • new electrical installations
  • rehabilitation, alteration and repairs to an existing electrical installation
  • the electrical connection of a unit (ex.: water heater, heating cable, baseboard heater)   
  • connection to the electrical distribution network or other power source.  


  • maintenance, repairs, alterations or renovations to electrical units 

If in doubt as to the applicable subclass, refer to the Keyword Index or contact us.

Send us your comments.

For further information or to file a complain or report, visit the Contact the RBQ webpage.