Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.
Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.
The Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ), like all other departments and bodies, must comply with the Politique linguistique du Québec, which is based on, among other things, the Charter of the French Language.
Hence, the RBQ must favour the use of quality French in its activities, in particular on its website.
More specifically, and in accordance with the Politique linguistique de la Régie du bâtiment du Québec [FR] – PDF (3,3 MB), content intended for businesses established in Québec must be exclusively in French. However, a language other than French may be used to communicate when the safety of the public is at stake.
Although the RBQ’s website is not entirely available in English, you still have to fulfill your obligations provided by the laws administered by the RBQ.
The companies which are domiciled in the province of Québec are required to fill out the forms in the French language. Only the companies domiciled outside of Québec and not coming under the conditions of any interprovincial agreement with the provinces of Ontario, New-Brunswick or Newfoundland are authorized to fill out the forms in English.
For further information or to file a complain or report, visit the Contact the RBQ webpage.