Régie du bâtiment du Québec

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Video transcription of the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan’s presentation

Every day, the Régie du bâtiment du Québec aims to provide high-quality services to Québec’s citizens. In its 2018–2023 Strategic Plan, the organization gives emphasis to prevention, safety, customer focus and to its efficiency in order to satisfy the ever-growing needs of its clients and to fulfill its mission.

In the years to come, thanks to its team and partners, the RBQ will successfully achieve its strategic plan’s objectives and will embody its vision: being an organization recognized for its involvement and contribution in the building and installation industry.

From 2018 to 2023, three challenges will be the Régie du bâtiment du Québec’s priorities.

The first challenge is to elaborate a framework for action counting on prevention in order to ensure compliance with laws and regulations.

The main course of action of this challenge is to be proactive in its activities while favouring collaboration with the industry. This course is threefold:

  • Increase surveillance efficiency in regard to buildings and installations conformity and safety
  • Support the clients’ innovative practices in construction and renovation
  • Strengthen the partnerships regarding the quality of construction, the safety of buildings and the qualifications of contractors.

The second challenge concerns client-oriented quality services.

The course of action is to improve client experience and gain fame from the public. There are three objectives related to this challenge:

  • Adapt services to the clients’ changing needs
  • Provide clients and partners with understandable and accessible information
  • Consolidate its role and expertise.

Lastly, the third challenge of the Régie du bâtiment du Québec’s 2018–2023 Strategic Plan is to count on mobilized employees working in an efficient organization.

This challenge’s course of action is to count on the personnel’s expertise and on a better organizational efficiency. To do so, there are three strategic objectives:

  • Provide the organization with decision-making tools
  • Promote commitment, skills improvement and knowledge transfer of employees
  • Ensure a better consistency of its activities.

The RBQ will successfully achieve its strategic plan’s objectives, allowing the organization to realize its vision: being an organization recognized for its involvement and contribution in the building and installation industry.

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