Régie du bâtiment du Québec

  • Fr

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This content in English is intended for individuals covered by the exceptions to the Charter of the French language and its regulations.

The RBQ and designers

The activities of the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) specifically cover architects, engineers, technologists and other professionals. If you act in any capacity as a designer of drawings and specifications, you must comply with the requirements stipulated in the regulations that the RBQ is responsible for administering to ensure the quality of work and public safety. The RBQ is responsible for the elaboration and updating of the Construction Code and the Safety Code and it responds to requests to interpret the regulations. Its activities directly concern designers since the RBQ:
  • promotes the transition from prescriptive standards to objective-based codes, which affords them broader leeway;
  • participates actively in Canadian committees responsible for making the transition to objective-based codes;
  • represents Québec and participates with the other provinces in the elaboration of Canadian standards;
  • seeks to establish a single Canadian construction and safety standard applicable to all buildings, plants and facilities, and its uniform application throughout Québec;
  • seeks the adoption of the Canadian national standard with the fewest possible modifications, in order to simplify regulations, facilitate trade and enhance the Québec construction industry’s competitiveness at home and abroad.
  • To fulfil its mission [Fr], the RBQ works with a number of professional corporations, associations and organizations in the construction and safety sectors.

Send us your comments.

For further information or to file a complain or report, visit the Contact the RBQ webpage.