Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.
Searching for a contractor or a licence number: consult the Licence holders' repertory.
29 results found, 1 to 10 shows
Use this form to apply for a licence or modify your licence if you are a natural person.
To be filled by a natural person to request an owner-builder licence.
To be used only in case of an absence to an examination AND following a decision rendered by the RBQ with regard to an application for licence.
Use this form to apply for a licence or to modify your licence.; This form is intended for legal persons: enterprise constituted by certificates of incorporation; articles of incorporation; letters patent; etc. Any incorporated enterprise is a legal person. Persons holding a legal person's shares are called shareholders.
To be completed by a natural person to apply for a contractor’s licence for a business enterprise located in Ontario and exempted from the professional qualifications evaluation process.
Application for a contractor's licence - Business enterprise located in Ontario and exempted from the professional qualifications evaluation process - Partnership
Use this form to apply for a licence or modify your licence if you are a legal person domiciled in New Brunswick and exempt from the professional qualification evaluation process.
To be completed by a natural person to apply for a contractor’s licence for a business enterprise located in New Brunswick and exempted from the professional qualifications evaluation process.
To be completed by a partnership to apply for a contractor’s licence for a business enterprise located in New Brunswick and exempted from the professional qualifications evaluation process.
To be completed by a partnership to apply for a contractor’s licence for a business enterprise located in Newfoundland and Labrador and exempted from the professional qualifications evaluation process.
The companies which are domiciled in the province of Quebec are required to fill out the forms in the French language. Only the companies domiciled outside of Quebec and not coming under the conditions of any interprovincial agreement with the provinces of Ontario, New-Brunswick or Newfoundland are authorized to fill out the forms in English.